About us
Established in 2012, Max Education has committed itself to the comprehensive planning of international education for domestic families. Our main business integrates the admission consultancy of domestic international schools, preschool transition and after-class services, U.K independent school placement service, overseas student guardianship and standardized test tutoring.


Introduction to Max Education


Admission consultancy of domestic international schools


Preschool transition and after-class services


U.K Independent School Placement Service


Overseas student guardianship


Standardized test tutoring

Business sectors
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Independent Schools Admission Centre


ISAC provides professional one-stop counseling services for Chinese families seeking admission to Chinese-English bilingual schools, assisting families in planning their domestic K-12 educational path starting from preschool transition and offering services for admission to top British independent schools and overseas student guardianship. As an official partner of numerous institutions, ISAC is also an examination centre for official tests such as ISEB, Ukiset, and CEM, providing students with professional and convenient testing services.


Feifan English Academy

飞凡英语作为培生学术英语考试(PTE Academic)最高级别的官方合作伙伴,自主开发了线上练习APP——PTEGO,每年为超过1000名学生提供英语考试解决方案。同时飞凡英语也是剑桥领思(Cambridge Linguaskill)、牛津分级(Oxford Placement Test)、朗思(Languge Cert)官方考点,并提供专业备考顾问,为学生选择最适合的备考路径。

As the top-level official partner of Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic), Feifan English has developed an online practice APP called PTEGO. Each year, we provide English test-prep solutions to over 1,000 students. Feifan English is also an official testing centre for Cambridge Linguaskill, Oxford Placement and LanguageCert. We offer professional test-prep counselling and actively assist students in choosing the most suitable preparation path.

大众点评飞凡英语PTE/朗思 Dianping link for Feifan English Academy
  • 2022年PTE优秀合作伙伴颁奖仪式暨优秀学生颁奖仪式

    PTE Excellent Partner and Excellent Student Award Ceremony in August, 2022
  • 飞凡英语获得2021-2022年度培生PTE优秀合作伙伴称号

    Feifan English Academy was awarded as "Excellent PTE Partner 2021-2022" by Pearson Education
  • 与考试官方紧密合作

    We work closely with our partner exam board
  • PTE/雅思/托福模拟考场

    Mock Test Centre for PTE/IELTS/TOEFL at Max Education
  • 国际学校择校服务-上海市民办平和双语学校

    MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service-Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School
  • 国际学校择校服务-上海康德双语实验学校

    MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service-SCBS
  • 国际学校择校服务-上海赫贤双语学校

    MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service-Shanghai Hexian Bilingual School
  • 国际学校择校服务-上海燎原双语学校

    MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service-LYBS
  • 国际学校择校服务-上海新纪元双语学校

    MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service-NEBS

MaxEdu Bilingual School Placement Service


Max Education provides consultation, path planning, academic evaluation, and admission services for families of primary and secondary school students in Shanghai and surrounding areas who are interested in pursuing international education. We have served over 500 families in total, helping them take a solid first step on the path of studying abroad. Our students are admitted by various institutions including Shanghai Pinghe School, WLSA Shanghai, Ulink Shanghai, etc.


ISAC Guardianship Service


ISAC Guardianship Services are an extension of ISAC's school placement service, designed to offer our students attentive and reliable overseas guardianship. We provide efficient communication between home and school for families with children studying in the UK, arrange off-campus accommodation and transportation on request, and offer academic advice where necessary. Additionally, we assist parents in handling emergencies, ensuring a smooth and safe study abroad experience for ISAC students.

  • Frank-学术顾问

    Academic Advisor
  • Yvonne-监护负责人

  • Elaine-监护协调员

  • Robert-安全顾问

    Director of Safeguarding
Core advantages





Operation Scope

青岛 Qingdao

烟台 Yantai

武汉 Wuhan

悉尼 Sydney

墨尔本 Melbourne

上海 China HQ

纽约 New York

伦敦 London

北京 Beijing
